CIL Frankfurt > About Us

Who we are?

The Christian Initiative International Learning e.V. – CIL – is a non-profit-organisation, registered in Frankfurt/Main. She was founded 1985 from people from different parts of the christian peace- and solidarity movements. CIL run mainly through voluntary work. She receives support from private donators, member fees, grants and project oriented funding from different institutions.


Prof. Dr. Monika Treber, Chairperson
Martina Barth, Vice Chairperson
Andreas Rammé, Treasurer

What moves us?

Solidarity and Justice:

People from various regions of the world, as well as people from different social and occupational origins work together in the CIL. They introduce their experiences, capabilities and needs into this work.  The connections which emerge personally, institutionally and interculturally are solidary in nature.  We strive to make a contribution to more justice in the world by cultivating and shaping them.  In this context  justice is no abstract concept for us, but rather it emerges from the non-violent conflict between the needs of many and the interests of the individual.

Therefore, justice can only succeed when people can articulate their needs openly and freely, when they can participate in the waging of conflicts of interests.

The CIL is committed to practicing this search for justice in an exemplary manner: Therefore, it seeks possibilities for participation in dialogues that are oriented toward justice for people who are excluded in the logic of the dominant system.


We are convinced that people from quite different life worlds, from different countries and cultures can learn together in open confrontation. That happens when people meet each other personally with their needs and fears and longings and value horizons. Dialogue can take place: not as an uncommitted conversation or negotiating of compromises, but as the non-violent expression of interest and value conflicts. A dialogue changes everyone.

A dialogue does not take place of its own accord. In order for people to be able to meet each other in this way, places and spaces are needed. Dialogues such as this must be opened and shaped. The CIL strives to test didactic models for an international and intercultural dialogue of this Kind.

See also: